A Secret Life

The daily grind from home-to-work to work-to-home; how many on the planet have grown to such… avid aspirations? So mundane he would say.

It is not but a notch past 5pm that the trail of his long coat could just be glimpsed wavering out the door as if saying, “goodbye my mundane job.” In the busy streets, he walks tall and with great strides towards his loft. Exhaust and fumes singe the health of most people living in the city, but he thrives on the scent inhaling deeply; something riveting about indulging personal malpractice. He is a rebel.

As he enters the lobby of his building, he tips the clerk as a gentleman before proceeding to the elevator. His cool-calm exterior is just a veil over his racing heart now. The elevator is a timeless element to his everyday, offering the comfort of being just a few floors away from his loft. Adjusting his tie in the mirror and folding his collar to pristine-cut angles, he pats himself down for proper presentation. As the elevator obtains its destination, the door springs open to sights of his lover with ropes in hand. He drops his coat as the elevator doors close.

The daily grind from home-to-work to work-to-home; how many on the planet have grown to such… avid aspirations? So mundane he would say, if he hadn’t been endearing boundless pleasures as a muse to his lover.



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